Frequently Asked Questions

Are multiple accounts/positions allowed in The Amazing Travel Clubs matrix?
Yes. A full matrix will amount to $2400 USD per year in travel funds per position. However many people have large families or may want to travel more or want to upgrade to higher class travel.
Is the membership a one-time payment or monthly subscription?
The payment to The Amazing Travel Club is a monthly subscription.
How can I withdraw cash from my personal travel account?
Simply click on the withdrawal link in your backoffice and fill in the required information. NOTE: Withdrawals will only be approved if the account is in good standing (Membership paid up to date).
What is the minimum balance I must get before I can request a withdrawal?
There is no withdrawal minimum balance. HOWEVER we suggest you wait for at least the $10 range as you will be charged withdrawal fees from your payment processor on every withdrawal.
How do I know how much travel funds I have available?
You can view your balance at any time through your control panel. (Account Stats).
Can I contribute extra funds for travel arrangements if my account balance is to low to cover the holiday plans I have made.
Absolutely! If you are purchasing a trip via The Amazing Travel Club and have insufficient funds in your account for the trip you want just contact us to arrange an additional payment. If you are purchasing your trip elsewhere simply withdraw your money and make up the difference yourself.
Are there any additional fees?
Yes. Withdrawals from travel accounts will be subject to your payment processors fees and minimal admin fees. If you are purchasing a trip from TATC payment your payment processor charges will be avoided.
Which payment processors are supported?
Currently Payza is the only processor we accept. We are working on adding more!
Is my personal information protected with your company?
Of course!! Any personal information that you provide is privacy protected. Your information will never be shared or sold to anyone!
How do I cancel my subscription/membership?
To cancel your membership simply stop paying the membership fee and you will be automatically deleted upon the next matrix compression.
What happens when I cancel my membership?
Your account will stay active until it is automatically deleted by the system for non-payment. After being removed THE MATRIX AUTOMATICALLY COMPRESSES so the removed accounts CAN NOT be restored. All unused funds in your account will be forfeited!
Do you offer refunds?
No! You are purchasing membership services. They are delivered to you and you access them instantly upon activation of your account. The matrix is also instantly credited with the membership fee so this implies a NO REFUND POLICY.
What is a company wide forced matrix?
Simply put a Company Wide forced matrix means that ALL members joining TATC work to fill one matrix. (see 'Matrix Plan' for more information).
If you have any questions not answered here please feel free to contact us via the contact page.
Remember there is a NO REFUND policy.
Please be aware that your account will be removed finally and can`t be restored if you fail to maintain the monthly membership fee.
You will ALSO forfeit any account balance that has accrued.

You decide

